Angela Marinescu – Jurnal scris în a treia parte a zilei & SOLDAT. Umbre ale trecutului pe câmpul de luptă
iunie 9, 2021
O formă capricioasă de poezie (antologie)
iunie 9, 2021
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Chris Tanasescu – Noi poeți “Americani” poeți străini

40.00 lei

Anul apariției: 2018
Format: 140 X 200 mm
Număr de pagini: 338
ISBN: 978-606-94510-9-0


Chris Tanasescu este poet, traducător și profesor de discipline umaniste digitale (Digital Humanities) la universitatea din Ottawa. Este, de asemenea, redactor al revistei Asymptote pentru România și Moldova. În calitate de membru fundator al MARGENTO, trupă de poezie, pictură/video și jazz-rock, a câștigat un număr de distincții internaționale semnificative. În 2016, a fost invitat să se alăture turneului literar european CROWD Omnibus (segmentul Germania și Austria). A publicat peste douăzeci de volume de poezie și traduceri.

With its programmer, algorithmic generator, and input or human authored text on one side, and the (potentially, or temporarily) final text(s) and reader on the other, “US” Poets Foreign Poets illustrates how poems stemming from disparate creative presuppositions, nations, or creative modalities—and otherwise might be perceived as strange bunkmates—may be effectively bridled and expand together through technological lenses. As a result of Herculean efforts by its editors, this anthology illuminates how writing that appears to be on the fringe directly links to what has been determined to be mainstream. This volume, with its built-in transcreation, is effusive with poetry from the human within and the algorithmic generator. Bursting with substance blasting on and on and on and on, the book further proceeds to uniquely chart how disconnected approaches to language may be distinctly connected. Applied and rigorous investigative scholarship (and editorship) in Digital Humanities herein brings to readers not only a hefty assemblage of diverse voices, but, through algorithm(ag)ic processes delivers fascinating graphical partnering amongst its contents. There’s a propulsiveness to this compilation that is seemingly unprecedented, a written compendium that refracts, and makes something with its own work. Conceptual policers and polarity are warlings, sometimes dismissively casting out cats for medi(a)cament. Metalurgically heated at conversion, poetry-beam convertible larks become aview within. Strategical stratiforms it seizes! This fiery first autoscopy becomes poetry’s alto alternate, which matters because the looney hobnailed beach of tradition (which manoeuvres like pterodactyls into psychologies and the surprise latchkey of being in reverse) is surrounded, lashing reviewers to lathy mythologers who have conspired to produce this collection.  Christopher Funkhouser

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